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We’ll to say it shortly, we are a factory outlet and all prices are wholesale and we have high standard on quality of our products. We have specialist on jewelry and you will be assured that what you buy from us is worth it.

We also believe that , Yes, “You are always right“.  As a part of our effort to bring you the best product and services, all items that has been purchase from us can always be returned/exchange if you are not satisfied with it.

When you are happy, we are more happy!


We accept all types of credit card or debit card via Foloosi Payment Gateway.

We also accept direct wire bank transfer.

Shipping & Returns

Yes, we ship worldwide. We use insured shipping with FedEx.


Your feedback and questions are important to us, so please free to contact us and ask more questions and we will be happy to answer all our queries.

Amazing Value Every Day

Items prices that fit your budget

Successful Customer Service

We work with a focus on 100% customer satisfaction.

All Payment Methods

Don't bother with payment details.

Completely free shipping

We'll handle the shipping.